What to expect while recovering from a deep plane facelift

The decision to get a deep plane facelift is not one that should be taken lightly. For any woman who’s had a child, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” is the go-to for newbies. As a writer and news junkie, I sought the equivalent of “What to Expect” when it comes to facelifts. Unfortunately, it didn’t exist, so I decided to create this website for others who may need a little hand holding when recovering from this procedure.

If you’re taking time off of work to have this surgery, do yourself a favor and don’t be in a hurry to return to work. I had initially planned to only take the first week off which is doable for some people but keep in mind that your stitches and bruising may still be visible. You’ve paid a lot of money for this and you deserve the extra week off as a cushion.

Not understanding my motivation to pursue this surgery, my husband said, “You’re a whiz at PhotoShop … just PhotoShop yourself.”

That might work in his head but I don’t know of anyone who walks around with a PhotoShopped print of themselves. With that said, I will fast forward to Day #1 which is the day of surgery. Plan to eat things like yogurt, soups, oatmeal and soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing that first week after surgery. Be sure to put probiotics on your grocery list as well.